ACC 简介:
经过14年的努力,ACC目前在马拉威、赖索托、史瓦济兰、纳米比亚和莫三比克5国的院区收养了超过1000名院童,并在院区附近的部落设立救济站,每个月定期发放物资给超过8000名孩童。南非(South Africa)ACC、马达加斯加(Madagascar)ACC以及马拉威第二所ACC的建设工程正如火如荼地展开。
《乐学华文 点亮心灯》校际交流活动简介:
过去5年的《乐》,22位非洲院童已与本地超过140所学府的70, 000多名学生进行交流。非洲院童们透过一系列的特色活动,鼓励大家一同学好华语,也传递了“天下无难事,只怕有心人” 的精神。
About ACC:
Amitofo Care Centre(S) Ltd (ACC) is a non-profit organisation founded by Rev Hui Li with a mission to care for the orphans in Africa.
ACC story began when Venerable Hui Li first visited Malawi in 2000, a landlocked nation in Africa, and was greeted with a sight that deeply affected him. Malawi was then experiencing a prolonged drought and he saw a lady eating corn soaked in pesticide. Alarmed, he went to stop her. The lady replied that she knew that she will not live after eating the corn, but without any food now, she will face death sooner. This left Venerable Hui Li in shock. When he followed her back to her tribe, he saw even more feeble elderly and malnourished children. This incident became a calling that inspired him to build orphanages in all 54 countries in Africa to nurture young orphans into well-rounded adults.
Today, ACC has adopted more than 1000 orphans in five of its existing African orphanages and schools in Malawi, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia and Mozambique. It is also sponsoring more than 50 Community Based Organisations (CBO), which provide food and necessities once every fortnight to more than 8000 children in the tribes. To continue in its mission in helping the less unfortunate, ACC is in the midst of building schools and orphanages in South Africa and other countries across Africa.
Singapore ACC was set up on 4th Nov 2012. Its key aim is to encourage more sponsor parents to join in the mission in caring and making a difference for the orphans across Africa. Singapore ACC has also organised many other heartwarming activities such as “ACC Charity Concert”, “Africa Learning Journey”, “Africa Night Vegetarian Feast”, “Dharma Assembly” and “Movie Sharing Session”, with the hope of spreading love and goodwill to all participants and community at large.
About Yuan Tong School:
Besides looking after the daily needs of the children in ACC, we ensure that they have a chance to receive proper education. Yuan Tong School, an affiliated school to all ACC’s orphanages, is an integral part of ACC’s mission. The school provides certified curriculum that adheres to the Ministry of Education’s guidelines in the different African nations. Native languages and other important subjects such as English, Agriculture, Math, and Science are compulsory for all students. The curriculum is complemented with the teaching of the Chinese language and classics, as well as Wushu to further develop young minds. Di Zi Gui (弟子规) is an essential part of the curriculum, in hope to impart life values and groom these children into refined gentlemen and ladies in future.
ACC strives to nurture these children to become compassionate, intelligent and well-rounded adults with professional skills who will be able to play a defining role in the future of their countries.
Igniting the Compassion Within:
“Love Chinese, Inspire Life” is one of Singapore ACC’s yearly events where different ACC students from Africa visit Singapore schools. It is an opportunity for them to share their journey in overcoming difficulties and learning the Chinese language. Through this meaningful student exchange programme, local students are encouraged to embark on a greater effort to master their Mother Tongue, as they better understand and appreciate the African students’ indomitable spirit in the face of great hardships. This successful programme has indeed left a deep impact, often expressed in the many heartfelt and thoughtful essays contributed by the students.